The Illusion of Reality- Facebook’s Oculus Rift Acquisition

Facebook’s latest multibillion-dollar acquisition of virtual-reality headset maker Oculus is prompting some people to wonder whether CEO Mark Zuckerberg is already living in an alternate reality.Oculus, which got its start on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, doesn’t have a consumer product on the market, just the promise of bulky virtual-reality goggles that has hyped up the gaming community beyond what’s been seen before. The concept of a virtual reality gaming platform is nothing new, but the way Oculus has demonstrated it is exactly what gamers have been waiting for. What might be the most eye-opening aspect is how the Oculus rift goggles are finding their way into alternative applications. Examples range from architects visualizing new home designs, or even NASA creating the ability for the public to journey on the surface of Mars.Thus we ask the big question: Why has Facebook, the world’s largest social platform, acquired Oculus? Are they simply trying to out-goggle Google?As stated by Zuckerburg, “We are getting ready for the platform of tomorrow; Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever.” Surely we can derive that a platform of VR is more suitable to enterprise customers (think car makers or doctors) rather than average consumers. An acquisition of to the tune of $2 Billion will most likely take decades to capitalize on the average consumer. “We’re doing more stuff than just Facebook. We’re taking the next step, just like Google did.”However, this next step that Zuckerburg is so excited about has not gone over well with the gaming community. Take a look at the Reddit post where Oculus founder Palmer Luckey gave his side of the story, or visit the announcement on the Oculus VR home page, and the reactions are very similar. "I have unsubscribed," wrote one developer. "I will be cancelling my preorder, I will not make games with the Rift, and I am not associating myself with a Facebook affiliated company." And from another, "I am really upset by this. I had nothing but grief as a developer of Facebook titles, and the direction and actions of the Facebook Company are not ones I can support."Interesting to see what will come from this very real spending spree Zuckerburg has been on.