Adrian Esquivel
September 15, 2010

Sell your products on the iPhone

Magento, a platform we use extensively around here, recently announced a service enabling business owners to sell their products online with an iPhone app. With over 6 million active iPhones in the US alone, it's a smart move by Magento to offer this. Everyone is on their phones and relying more on them for business and personal use.

  • The GartnerGroup estimates that by the end of 2012, there will be 150 million people using mobile devices to purchase goods and services worldwide.
  • An ABI Research study predicted that shoppers will order $2.2 billion in physical goods via mobile devices in 2010 and by 2015, $119 billion worth of goods and services will be purchased via a mobile phone.

Here is how it works:First you need an eCommerce website powered by Magento (feel free to contact us for help on that). Second, download the extension from Magento and purchase an application key ($799 setup / $69 monthly). And that's it, you have an online store in an iPhone! Magento will complete the submission to iTunes and manage updates and releases. Pretty cool right?Check out the video here:
