TECKpert Announces Phase I of Technical Remote Hiring Platform

Miami-based tech company, TECKpert, launches Phase I of their newest platform to provide staff augmentation services through a mobile app available in iOS and Android. In development for the last six months, this is TECKpert’s solution to effectively manage a remote digital workforce and recruit digital talent across the country in both times of retraction, as well as, growth.Miami, FL March 19, 2020 - Miami-based tech company, TECKpert, launches Phase I of their newest platform to provide staff augmentation services through a mobile app available in iOS and Android. In development for the last six months, this is TECKpert’s solution to effectively manage a remote digital workforce and recruit digital talent across the country in both times of retraction, as well as, growth. The TECKpert app allows remote workers to enter in their profile including their education, skills, experience, and work preferences. Each person is vetted by TECKpert workforce managers.After a thorough assessment of a company’s unique staffing and technological needs, this database makes it possible to very quickly and effectively pair the right team members with the right project. Needs range from helping teams transition to working-from-home, to managing current projects not missing headlines during crunch time, web and mobile application development, system integrations, and full staff augmentation of entire departments giving companies the resources needed to implement business continuity and growth strategies. Using our proven workflows and processes, the app features, like task tracking, timesheets, and payroll, facilitate ease-of-use and transparency.TECKpert’s CEO, Adrian Esquivel, said about the latest in the new digital platform, “This service and technology gives our talented workforce and business leaders the peace-of-mind they deserve with digital leadership through various business cycles. Our goal is always to become an integral part of a company providing many levels of value filling the talent gap. In anticipation of the workforce needs of the future, we are able to say that we are prepared and ready to help.”###About: TECKpert provides design, development, marketing and staff augmentation solutions for businesses and clients of all sizes. We build innovative digital solutions for clients from all industries, including healthcare, finance, government, legal and real estate. As award-winning, long-time developers, creators and strategists, we understand what it takes to achieve success in the new economy–and we know how to identify the talent that will bolster your own team’s capabilities. As you look to grow your capabilities and your digital presence, look to TECKpert. We are your digital partners.For more information on TECKpert, visit https://teckpert.com.Contact: Mary BargagliottiSenior Marketing Associate - Available for interview786-393-5826 ext 118mbargagliotti@teckpert.com