Why we built our own app

One of our goals this year at TECKpert is to launch our own home-grown workforce and project management platform. What’s this you may ask? Well, it’s our solution to managing a remote digital workforce. Over the years as we’ve grown, we have been challenged to manage hundreds of professionals across multiple clients and projects, keeping track of tasks, timesheets, and payroll.Through this time, we developed proven workflows and processes tied together through integrations of various systems. We anticipated our workforce needs would continue to grow as we continue to recruit and manage digital talent across the country.This month we’ve launched Phase I of our platform, a mobile app available in IOS and Android, designed to recruit talent and enable our people to manage their time and receive payments. Let’s take a tour of what our mobile app does.


TECKpert Mobile App - Profile

This section of our mobile app is where TECKpert team members (aka: TECKperts) build their profile featuring their past experience, skills, and education. It lists their availability, preferences, certifications, and contact information as well. Each TECKpert maintains an active profile which is searchable by our consultants and digital workforce manager enabling us to match the right professional with the right project.


TECKpert Mobile App - Opportunities

We post remote work opportunities to our network of over one hundred vetted, US based digital professionals. We list the details including the description of the project, length of the project, and skills required. It takes one press to give it a thumbs up or down which allows our team to quickly match interested TECKperts with a project.


TECKpert Mobile App - Timesheet Entry

Project time is tracked using the timesheets interface. Time is entered using a simple form by entering the project type, date, and hours worked in addition to the details of the task. A calendar view shows the days’ time is entered with a running log including an entry for payroll. It’s a simple and intuitive way for our workforce to manage their time and pay. The process is transparent and easy to manage for the clients, as well.


Communication among our team is essential to keep the project on track and meet all deadlines. We built our own chat messaging system where our team can communicate with each other and key stakeholders facilitating that purpose.

What’s Next?

We are working on the next phase which includes improvements to profile management, introducing a new way to browse and view technical courses aimed at upskilling our workforce, and integrating a workspace for projects with Kanban boards, lists, calendars, and document sharing. Phase II is our proactive plan to keep our technical digital workforce highly engaged and ready for the next step in their career.With no project too big or too small, TECKpert has the hiring solution for you. If your business needs support:

  1. Transitioning your office-based team members to a work-from-home team
  2. Short-term staff augmentation to keep current projects on track and not miss deadlines
  3. Tackling the tasks that have been on the backburner for too long like creating an app
  4. Hiring a team of people to take the technological next step into Phase II of your own business

TECKpert is your digital partner creating the smooth transition, hiring the specialized experts needed, and supplying the technological best practices for your business to stay two steps ahead of your competition. Do not wait one more day to reach out for your business’s personalized assessment.